Our Impact
We transform vascular health through our three pillars:
Advancing patient-centered research
Empowering people on their vascular health journey
Catalyzing breakthrough collaborations

Advancing Patient-Centered Research
We have invested over $12.5M in high-impact, patient-centered research.
Our career development grant recipients have generated $107M in additional research funding.
We achieve results.
We fund research that advances cures and treatments for vascular patients. Our achievements include medical device technology, adult stem cell research to grow new blood vessels, and identifying a gene variation that improves healing by 250%. Our researchers are learning how to predict strokes, uncovering the relationship between PAD and diabetes, and understanding the biochemistry that causes collateral vessel growth that can prevent amputations.
We multiply your investment.
For every $150,000 granted, each Wylie Scholar reports an average of $4.5 million in subsequent national research funding, a 30:1 return on investment.
We support the next generation of innovators.
Through the Wylie Scholar program, the Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures provides three-year career development grants. Most of the recipients have gone on to become chiefs at major academic centers across North America.

Empowering people on their vascular health journey
Every year, more than 200,000 individuals around the world visit our website to learn about vascular disease and connect to critical resources.
Our patient advocates have improved over 20 different research, education, and public health initiatives as advisors.
Putting the Patient Voice First
The Patients Are Partners program engages patient advisors in national initiatives to fight vascular disease. The program is designed to ensure the patient voice is included everywhere decisions about improving healthcare are being made.
Providing a Trusted Central Resource
Education and awareness are the foundation of patient empowerment. The Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures is committed to offering accessible, accurate, and engaging educational content, reviewed by patients themselves, to individuals and healthcare providers.
Catalyzing breakthrough collaborations
Our programs have brought together leaders from 120 diverse organizations, including care providers (multiple specialities and disciplines), researchers, biopharma and device companies, insurers, government and patients. We are uniquely positioned to offer a non-competitive approach to developing consensus views and actionable strategies. Our Collaborative Patient-Centered Research (CPCR) grants have awarded $833,000 to leading researchers from 17 institutions.
We Leverage the Brightest Minds
We engage world-class experts as our advisors, who provide active leadership in multiple disciplines. Their involvement is a testament to their belief in the immense potential of our projects and their urgency. Our Board of Directors includes highly accomplished leaders in healthcare, business, and medicine.