Our Work with Patients
Empowering patients and their loved ones at each step of their vascular healthcare journey.
For Patients, with Patients
The Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures is committed to educating, engaging, and empowering patients from diagnosis to disease management.
Our goal is to provide the tools that patients, caregivers, and advocates need to make informed decisions about their care. We also want to improve healthcare by bringing what matters most into the conversation: the patient voice.
Patient Stories
Learn from our patients’ experiences so that you or someone you love can understand how vascular conditions can appear and be managed.
Patient Resources
The Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures is committed to helping patients navigate their care journey. Our resources are intended to help patients, caregivers, and advocates address some of the questions and challenges that come up in managing vascular healthcare.
Prevention is key to avoiding or reducing the burden that vascular disease can cause in everyday life. These resources can help them understand and prevent the effects of vascular disease.
Patients are Partners
Find out more about our “Patients are Partners” program. This program provides paid opportunities to individuals impacted by vascular disease to share their personal experience and perspective with healthcare leaders.
Engagement Opportunities
We partner with patients by empowering them to learn and make decisions about their disease and treatment. This can include engaging in direct care from providers. It also includes sharing their perspectives in research and policy-making about vascular health guidelines.
Have a Question?
If you didn’t find what you were looking for, or have a question regarding our programs or resources, feel free to contact us at patients@vascularcures.org.