February Patient Community Newsletter

February is Black History Month, and a time to reflect on the ways vascular care and research have been and often continue to be inequitable. This month, our newsletter will focus on stories and perspectives from Black patients, providers, and advocates who make a difference in vascular health. Black History Month allows our nation to celebrate Black Excellence in all its forms - including in medicine and healthcare.

New Face at Vascular Cures: Meet Chiamaka Uzoma

Chiamaka Uzoma is a medical student who volunteers with Vascular Cures. She is passionate about vascular health equity and shares her story about witnessing health disparities in Nigeria and finding her calling in vascular surgery.

Fact Check

African-Americans are often at a higher risk for vascular diseases - this is for a variety of reasons, including a lack of equitable healthcare services. But do you know how high this discrepancy is? Compared to non-Hispanic white women, Black women are ___% more likely to have high blood pressure.

  1. 10

  2. 25

  3. 40

  4. 60

Source: https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=4&lvlid=19


The correct answer is that Black women are 60% more likely to have high blood pressure than non-Hispanic white women. This may seem shocking, but it is just one of many ways in which the social determinants of health (including access to quality healthcare) can create disparities in Black health. Check out our newsletters for engagement and microgrant opportunities that you can implement to make a difference in underserved communities.

Get $5000-$7500 to join our Peripheral Artery Disease Community Liaison Team!

The PAD Community Liaison Microgrant will create a cohort of individuals representing community groups or small nonprofits who raise awareness of PAD within their local community and contribute to efforts to combat the disease.

Through monthly cohort meetings, Vascular Cures will equip microgrant award winners with any Peripheral Artery Disease educational materials or guidance needed to successfully execute community gatherings. Each community liaison will be given $5000-$7500 to support their local work! Learn more about the 2023 Leadership Cohort on our microgrant page.

Microgrant Opportunity

Vascular Cures is excited to share an exciting opportunity with our patient community! We are launching our new Microgrant Program. Our aim is to provide small community organizations funds to inspire and boost vascular health education at the grassroots level. There are two microgrant opportunities currently open:

  • Community-Based Microgrants: $1500-$1800 microgrants for small nonprofits or community groups focused on Peripheral Artery Disease prevention education.

  • PAD Community Liaison Microgrant: $5000-$7500 for patients with vascular disease who are interested in joining a 6-month leadership cohort. (See more details above!)

As always, Vascular Cures is eager to partner with anyone who has lived experience with vascular disease - patients, caregivers, and advocates are welcome! If you are interested in joining our Patients as Partners program to be the voice for patients like you, please fill out an interest form here: https://www.vascularcures.org/patients/patients-as-partners

For individuals with severe PAD or Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia, please consider joining our working group or PAD Empowerment initiative - details are here: https://www.vascularcures.org/patients/patient-engagement 


It Takes A Village, or an Online Facebook Community


New Face at Vascular Cures: Meet Chiamaka Uzoma