Vascular Cures News
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- Celebrities and Vascular Disease 3
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- Patient Community Newsletters 7
- Patient Spotlight Series 2
- Patients as Partners 8
- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) 7
- Recipes 2
- Vascular Cures News 23
- Vascular Disease Blog Posts 6
- Vascular Health in the News 7
- Vascular Innovation Series 3
- Working Group 1

Patient Spotlight Series: Shirley
In October 2022, Shirley started to feel pain in her left leg when she walked more than a few kilometers. Expecting to find out about an injury that would require physiotherapy, she was surprised when her doctor asked her to take off her shoe and sock to feel the pulse in her foot. Her doctor booked her a vascular ultrasound appointment, and Shirley was diagnosed with moderate PAD.

Patient Spotlight Series: Jason
In March 2023, at 44 years old, Jason started having calf and thigh pain. Within days, his toes became cold, his toenails turned purple, and his foot was pale. He went to the ER, where he received an ultrasound on his veins, leading to the discovery of a large clot. When Jason asked how this kind of clot could have formed, his surgeon guessed that Jason probably tore his popliteal artery years prior, thinking he had just pulled a muscle.